The World of THOR – Updated October 2023

Hi, mom gave me my VERY OWN blog page. I hope you enjoy my stories. I will post current activities at the top so you don’t have to scroll down.

A Little About Me

By Thor Temple

I was originally living in Yuma the first four years of my life. I don’t remember much as I try not to remember because it was tough living. See, I was a stray. I wasn’t always a stray, but something happened . . . I don’t remember. Thankfully, I was found by some caring humans who helped me get healthy again. I had a nasty cough. Peaches was my animal rescuer, she posted a picture of me on the web and that’s when my new parents Lisa and Greg adopted me. It was Purrrrrrrrfect. I loved my home in Anthem. I got rid of pesky critters in my neighborhood. Mom and dad’s human friends loved me for keeping their yards critter free. But that all changed. Now I am living in a foreign country, called Panama. I guess I am now considered a world traveling cat 🙂 I hope you like my stories.

Whose walking Whom (Sep)

The Swallow (my tasty morsels) are back

IT’S about time. The swallows are back and doing the nasty in the eaves. Mom told me that on average 44 percent of those tasty morsels return from wherever they fly. . . That’s plenty for me 🙂 Just waiting for the “primal moment.”

Loving my Walks – I need more!

I think my video speaks for itself 🙂

Just mom and me going for a leisurely stroll in the park. Being “me”, I am just working my plan to have mom trust me enough to remove the leash. . .Once it’s off, I am going to bolt and find some lizards.

Giving Dad some Love?(Aug)

Okay, looking at this picture of me wrapping my paws around my dad may look like I’m giving him love, but actually dad keeps taking over my spot on the couch. I was just too tired to push him away.

July is a PURRRRRRR(July 2023)

I let my uncle think he is teaching me a trick like I am dog . . .if this gets me more milk in the morning, I will do this all day!!

You don’t like it, LOOK AWAY

Don’t tell mom, but I actually am digging this new cut. I am so much cooler in this humidity.

OMG, Look what mom did to me!!!!!!! Don’t get me wrong, I like getting pampered. This time mom went to far. I am NAKED!!!!

I DID IT – First bird caught in Panama!(June 9)

So mom and dad left me alone all day. I wanted to show them how much I love them. There is (or was) a pesky swallow that kept dive bombing on mom when she went on the deck. I love my mom so I needed to muscle up and take the daring jump in the air to capture that bird. I won’t go into the details, but as you can see, I WAS VICTORIOUS!!!!

Slight Overdose – June 4.

Everyone knows that cats love catnip. . . I am NO exception. Normally i know when to stop but this time, well see for yourself. I’m ashamed.

Playtime with mom on May 30.

I have lots of cat toys but the one toy I LOVE the most, is a shoe string; especially when mom or dad plays with me.

Me after playtime

Taking my walk – May 25

I am getting used to mom taking me for walks. I won’t lie, I DO NOT LIKE the leash. I do it for mom; she wants to keep me safe. Mom takes me out to roam the yard around our home. The birds are always squeaking when mom takes me for a walk. Today mom let me walk on my own. I get encouragement as I demonstrate resiliency, confidence, and trust.

Thor leash free in the backyard 1 of 3
Thor heading to the lobby 2 of 3
Thor at the elevator 3 of 3

Yes, I do dream 🙂

I am having a good dream about drinking milk Dad gives me milk with my breakfast . . . YUMMMMM!

Bird watching May 20 and May 18

This was painful. I know I can catch that pigeon. Mom won’t open the door 🙁

One of these days, that Swallow will be mine!

Favorite Poses

I don’t think I need to elaborate, a picture is a thousand words. Can you tell what my favorite pose might be?